knew-way :recalled knowledge/understanding that waz forgotten, or forsaken; return of/to the tried and still true
knew-age :time of growing awareness; era of focused consciousness raising
mynd, mynding :to dig deep within your personall senses/thought; inner quest for knowledge; asking of pertinent questionz
oneness of it-all, the :wholeness and ballance; inter-relatedness of body, mind, and spirit; akin to holy
otherwize :a poetic sense of intuitive knowing resullting in an unusually simple interpretation of a situation, or event; insight of a scratchpad phulosopher
racyst: a non-believer in the existence of the human race; one who believes that there iz more than one race indigenous
to the planet Earth
reckonize :self empowerment, resullt of a proven point; convinced; grudging respect; concession
self :a uniquely individuallized twining of the body, mind, Spirit, and personallity
us-all :the totall popullation of this planet
Word :all of spoken, and written, language(s); most recent sound used az a positive affirmation, or question of truth/fact;
most often used commodity
wordsurge :surfaced abillity to write/speak/create understanding after seeking/observing/listening/pondering; a spiritUall flow of Word;
often confused with the spirituelle gift of gab