race-skyzm : a demonstration of characteristics that denote a state of mind based on the belief in more than one race; a surprise showing of the content of One's character
racyst, racysm: a non-believer in the existence of the human race; one who believes that there iz more than one, or a superior, race indigenous to the planet Earth
reckonize :self empowerment; grudging respect; submission coupled with concession
reasponse-abillity : talent to ascertain a given situation; free of denial; an intUitive understanding that suggests the degree to which you are true to yourself
revelationary revolution : violent, or non-violent,
societall, or systemic, change that iz the resullt
of increased knowledge, and understanding
revolutionary revelation : an inspired understanding
that leadz the way to large scale spirituall growth,
and development
right : rite : write : pronouned az one syllable of fused thought; combined powers of truth and justice; often heard az right on!
seam(z), seamingly : points, or locations, where reallity iz visible, or loud, but clear, and filled with a great amount of reason, and truth
seaming reallness, the : strong connection to the foundation of acting truths above, within, and beneath each/all of us
seeming reelness : the persuasive power of the moving picture
see-change : heightened awareness of changing times/mindz
Self :a unique and individuallized twining of the body, mind, Spiritand personallity
Self, the : the totall level of consciousness of every living being on a planet; consciousness of a living planet
s:he : logicall combination of pronounz that remind that all of us issued forth from the womb
Significant Choice Expansion (SCE) : used or unused choices or opportunity beyond good-of-all measure; usually created at the expense of Otherz through the use of oppression, discrimination, sterotype, violence, poverty, or control issues
Significant Choice Reduction (SCR) : unavailable choices/opportunity far beyond good measure; usually created at the expense of Otherz with/by the use of oppression, discrimination, stereotype, poverty, violence or other control issues
sow-much : unfolding of Life energy; acts of speaking, writing, doing, being
summore : a belief that more of any thing iz the way to lasting satisfaction
syncretism : the successfull combination of different systems of philisophical, or religious belief and practice
technopimp : rapper, dj, or producer who uses modern technology to dismiss the human right to high self esteem, and/or the divinity of women
Think-Well Wordz, The : who, what, when, where, why, and how
Three Rightz, The : riite, right, write
time contract : total number of years you will spend in your body
touch-knot : an addictive, obsessive, relationship, substance, thing, person, or way of being
try & tell, the : mind atrophied, hit hard, individuallz who no longer trust a particullar outside source for information
US : United Syllables; Universall Spirit; totallity of all that iz Life; every thing/One that hath breath, and or (a) sound
us-all : totall population of this planet; all of Life's breath
Usez : the wordz you are using az you speak
Uzing : the abillity to create lyricall, or witty, phrasez in sync
with popular rhythmz, beatz, or rhymes
we-all : specific, cohesive, targeted, or oppressed, groups within a totalled world popullation
what-what : some thing, or one, you believe you can--or should--own, have, or get