know-choice :the skill of open mynded decison making; conscious self empowerment
know-more :childlike curiosity; burning desire for knowledge; the pressure/anxiety resullting from standardized tests
KnowWhere :the space for words/images to know/record/recycle; where memory (energy/word) iz kept; a double U access point
mynd, mynding: to dig deep within your personall sense/thought; inner quest for knowledge; asking of pertinent questions;
search for/maintenance of a personall belief system
racyst : a non-believer in the existence of the human race; one who believes that there iz more than one race indigenous to the planet Earth
reamember :conscious effort to become more conscius of the higher self; a powerfull connection betwen mind, body, and spirit; an elder's
abillity to recall events of the past; exercising of consciousness as memory to recall latent knowledge
reasponse-abillity :tallent to ascetain a given situation; free of deniall; an intuitive understanding that indicates the degree to which you are
being true to your self
reckonize :self-empowerment; end & beginning resullt of a proven point; grudging respect; submission coupled with concession
rite-wash :a clarifying, and spiritUally cleansing, experience
seam(z), seamed :points in time, or locations, where reallity iz visible, or loud, but clear, and filled with a great number of vibes, reasons,
and symbolz
sow-much :karmic retribution, justice, ballanced achievement
summore :some more of more-and-more; rampant consumerism; heartz desire
self :a unique, and individuallized, twining of the body, mind, spirit, and personallity
won-fact :hard earned lesson resullting in mutuall understanding and respect
won:one :integrall fusion resullting from the keeping of your word; example of the simulltaneity of language; pronounced with one syllable
az blended thought
Word :all of spoken and written language(s); most recent sound used az a positive affirmation, or question of truth/fact; most often
used commodity
wordsurge :surfaced abillity to write/speak/create understanding after seeking/observing/listening/pondering; a spiritUall flow of Word;
often confUsed with the spirituelle gift of gab