it : the only word that can be used as an expression of
itzSelf as the height of abstract comprehension; understood
as a first, last, only, every thing, everything, nothing, top, bottom;
most least, chosen, disscarded; the buzz word of buzz words;
a tag
itz :a new/knew noun resulting from the fact that possession,
or status, has no relevance to that which is every, every thing, and nothing
itzSelf :a previously not known proper noun; stems from
belief that Word is an entity that effects an affect from/as us, and within, each of us; the totall(ed) sense of being of every
living, breathing, creature
it-all :sum of/some of what Life has created; a personall existence
knew-way :reconceived understanding (forgotten, or forsaken);
a return to the tried, and true
knew-age :time of growing awareness; era of focused consciousness; age of mind expansion
KnowBody : has no need of a physicall body for as Spirit IT is every thought, body, thing, concept, and/or idea theism; intellectuallized abstract term used inter-intrachangeably with (or as a fusion of) Prime Creatrix, The Creator, The Great Spirit, Amitabha Buddha, Most High, Jehovah, GOD, Al-Lah, Adonai, Al-Lat, THE ALL...